Dogs, like humans, have teeth that enable them to eat and properly chew their food. A dog’s teeth closely resemble the human dental system. They also have deciduous (baby) teeth and permanent teeth, which can be susceptible to decay.

The important point here is that if humans experience tooth pain, they can communicate it through language, but dogs cannot express their pain. Therefore, dog owners are obligated to take care of their dogs’ teeth to prevent decay. In this article, we intend to present Guide to Dog Dental Care as one of the Dog Day Care Services.

5 Reasons Why Dental Care for Dogs Is Crucial

A Guide to Dog Dental Care is as important as a guide to overall physical health. When you neglect dental care for dogs, gum disease can occur. This can be detrimental to your dog’s overall health and well-being, compromise the immune system, and lead to a host of other serious health issues.

Dog Dental Care

Some of the health problems that dogs may face due to lack of dental and oral care include:

1-Abscess: Advanced periodontal disease can cause an abscess in the root of your dog’s tooth, allowing harmful bacteria to enter the surrounding area, leading to infection.

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2-Oral infections: Oral infections can occur due to advanced gum disease or as a result of injuries (often caused by chewing on something sharp).

3-Malocclusion: Imbalance in the upper and lower jaw alignment, which can cause pain or difficulty in eating.

4-Broken teeth: Dogs are notorious chewers, and in some cases, excessive chewing or biting on a hard object can result in tooth fractures or cracks.

5-Retained baby teeth: Dogs are born with baby teeth. By six months of age, the baby incisors should be replaced by adult incisors, but in some cases, baby teeth remain stuck to the gums, causing the accumulation of extra teeth.

A Guide to Dog Dental Care and Signs of dental disease in dogs

  • Changing color and the formation of plaque and tartar on teeth

A healthy dog’s teeth should be white, just like healthy human teeth. Teeth that appear dark and stained need to be cleaned. If your dog’s teeth look dark and yellow, it is important to visit a veterinary dentist as soon as possible.

  • Redness or gum inflammation

One of the most significant signs of dental disease in dogs is redness and gum inflammation. If your dog’s gums are swollen and sensitive, this condition can be very painful for your pet, and if left untreated, it may lead to tooth loss in dogs.

  • Difficulty eating or loss of appetite

Anyone who owns a dog knows that these pets love to eat. If you notice a decrease in your dog’s appetite or a lack of enthusiasm for eating, and if they are only chewing food from one side of their mouth when eating dry food, you should take these signs seriously. 

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Guide to Dog Dental Care 

Essential Tips for Maintaining Your Dog’s Dental Health

  1. Brushing a dog’s teeth

A Guide to Dog Dental Care to prevent dental diseases is brushing your dog’s teeth. As much as possible, the “gold standard” recommended by veterinary dentists in DAMAC Hills clinic is to brush your dog’s teeth daily. Brushing the teeth can help prevent the buildup of plaque, tartar, and debris. This task requires a pet-specific toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush, along with a little patience.

Note: Avoid brushing when the mouth is sensitive, such as when there is an existing serious dental condition or when puppies are teething.

  1. Providing chew toys for dogs

In addition to brushing, there is A Guide to Dog Dental Care you can take at home to help maintain your dog’s oral health. This includes providing chew toys and dental treats. Dental chew toys can assist in reducing plaque and tartar buildup through various mechanisms. Look for brands that have the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal of approval on the packaging.

  1. Dental Cleaning at the Veterinary Clinic in DAMAC Hills

Even with regular brushing, many dogs can still benefit from professional dental cleaning and oral examinations. Think about it from our human perspective — even if we brush our teeth and floss regularly, dental plaque still accumulates on our teeth, and we need our dentists to remove it periodically. The same applies to our canine friends.

We recommend visiting specialized veterinarians at the DAMAC Hills clinic every six months to check the condition of your dog’s teeth. In most cases, you may not be able to detect tooth decay or dental diseases, which can cause pain and discomfort for your pet. If there are dental deposits or diseases present, our specialized veterinarians will inform you about their presence and take appropriate measures for treatment.

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