Spying is one of the surgical procedures performed on many domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Spying is conducted in both male and female cats, with the removal of the ovaries and uterus in female cats, and the removal of the testicles in male cats. Spying is a method that is highly significant for cats due to its numerous advantages, such as preventing uterine infections, enhancing behavioral changes, and preventing breast cancer. A very important point after this surgery is the Post Operative Care For Female Cats (Spaying), which the caregivers of these animals should be familiar with. If you also plan to spy your cat, please read this article from the veterinary clinic in Dubai. To become acquainted with the post-neutering care for cats.

Some Helpful Tips for Post Operative Care For Female Cats (Spaying)

  • Pay Attention to Cat’s Pain

Cats will encounter pain after surgery, but because these animals are very skilled at hiding pain, you may have difficulty noticing this issue. If you observe the following signs in your cat, you can suspect the presence of pain within their body:

    • Loss of appetite
    • Aggression
    • Excessive decrease in energy levels and being more withdrawn
    • Increased vocalization
    • Excessive sleepiness and lethargy
    • Lack of interest in grooming
  • Reviewing the possibility of a wound reopening or becoming infected

If a cat’s wound site opens, it can result in various problems for the cat, and in such cases, urgent care is necessary. It is important that a slight bloody discharge and mild redness in the incision area for up to 24 hours after the surgery is normal.

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post-operative care for your female cat

  • Preventing licking of the surgical wound

One of the factors that can lead to infection in the sutured area is the licking of the incision site by cats. This behavior can cause the sutures to come off earlier than scheduled. To prevent this problem, it is necessary to use an collar, which is fastened around the cat’s neck. This device as the Post Operative Care For Female Cats (Spaying), helps prevent the cat from licking the surgical area.

  • Replacing the cat’s bandage and keeping it clean

It is important to keep the bandaged area dry and clean. When the bandage becomes moist, it can easily adhere to the wound and lead to infection. Hence, it is essential for you to keep the cat’s wound dry and warm. If you feel that the cat’s dressing is loose or wet, make sure to consult with a veterinarian about replacing it.

  • Pay attention to cat’s nutrition

Cat’s nutrition is important after a sterilization surgery. One of the Post Operative Care for Female Cats (Spaying), is to pay attention to their eating habits. It takes approximately 12 to 24 hours for a cat to regain its appetite after anesthesia and the stress caused by the procedure. If your cat continues to display no interest in eating after this period, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian, as certain oral medications such as antibiotics and painkillers can decrease appetite and cause nausea in cats.

  • Managing cat’s pain

Due to inflammation resulting from surgery, a cat’s body undergoes pain for 5 to 7 days after the procedure. The veterinarian prescribes pain-relieving drugs to control this issue. One of the post-sterilization care measures is to administer the medications to the cat on time and not discontinue them without proper evaluation. When a cat is in pain, it may start licking its own wound, which can lead to infection in the area.

  • Cleaning cat’s wounds

You should clean the sterilized cat’s wounds every day. For this task, you can saturate a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and softly wipe it over the wound or its surrounding area. Your cat need care and periodic examination by a veterinarian for up to 10 days after the surgery, and it is essential to visit veterinary clinics to have the sutures removed.

  • Caring for cat’s injuries

It is necessary to maintain proper hygiene of the sterilized cat’s injuries every day. To accomplish this, you can saturate a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and softly rub it on the wound or the vicinity. The Post Operative Care For Female Cats (Spaying) is necessary and your cat needs attentive care and regular check-ups from a veterinarian for a maximum of 10 days following the surgery, and it is advised to visit veterinary clinic in Dubai to have the stitches taken out.

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So if you see some abnormal symptoms as we mentioned earlier feel free to contact us via WhatsApp from 8 am to 8 pm or call 04 7026904-05, also you can check with any near veterinary clinic to keep your cat safe.

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